Sunday, February 12, 2017

Soldat update

I have another 12 Soldat pikemen painted up, giving me 24 of the 36 that will ultimately be in the unit.  More importantly, however, I have the banner done for the unit. 

Beyond the 12 unpainted Soldats, I also have to make a good sturdy base out of Plastruct that can hold a 6x6 unit of metal soldiers.  Hope to get that done relatively soon.

Jiltsi/Rindi Complete!

So I finally got them done!  My 28-man bodyguard for the Ice Queen is finally done.  They are based on a pretty thick sheet of Plastruct with nice thick Plastruct borders to keep all of those metal figures in place.  I like the WHFB basing kit, but it isn't suitable for large units, especially metal ones. 

So, as of my last update, I had 24 figures, but I had to finish two rank-and-file, the musician and the standard bearer.   No need for more close-ups of the rank-and-file, but here are some of the standard bearer and musician.

OK - now for a close-up of the standard bearer:

The standard-bearer is a "champion" from the Mordheim Kislevite range and he is holding a mace from the weapons sprue that came wih the figure.  The hand holding the banner is a plastic hand from the Mordheim human sprue (also in the Empire Militia box) with the weapon cut off and the center drilled out.  The banner pole is a metal rod and the flag is a paper flag made the same way as the Reiter banner which is on this website.  I chose this banner because of the color (which I jazzed up with a little red ink carefully brushed on) and the three swords.  In the Ambassador Chronicles the Ice Queen appears to have had 3 bodyguards armed with swords.  A perfect fit, I think, for the Tzarina's household troops!

The musician is also a Mordheim Kislevite figure, but both his hands are from the White Wolves sprue in the Empire Knightly Orders box.  The right hand is one of the White Wolf hands with a war hammer, but in the left hand a metal trumpet I got from the Assault Group Ltd.  I had to cut a bit of it away to make it look like the hand was wrapped around it.  The metal was soft, so it wasn't really a problem, though it was so soft I had to be careful not to bend the rest of the trumpet.

Hope you enjoy them!